Deneia Primary Academy is a 630 place primary academy. Anglian Learning has been engaged in the development of Deneia Primary Academy since 2021. The new school will offer an outstanding environment both indoors and outdoors to excite and engage children in their learning. We will ensure facilities within the school are available for a range of uses and occasions. Provision of a nursery will be available on the site.

Since its inception, the vision of Anglian Learning for Deneia has been to:
• Create excellence in all aspects of the Academy’s environment and provision.
• Build an academy recognised locally and nationally as a system leader created through the collaboration of leaders and staff across Trust academies.
• Establish a strong STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) curriculum, reflecting the business environment of Cambridge.
• Discovering Together through our curriculum planning which will facilitate the establishment of the Deneia and the Deneia Primary Academy communities and will take as its focus ‘A Sense of Place’. Foundation subjects will be taught with direct relevance to the Deneia local area. For example: History – World War Two to be related to the Marshall airfield and locality.

We are committed to being aspirational for all those in our community:

Key to the Academy’s initial, and then ongoing, work will be meeting the needs of all families who move into the Deneia development. The situation of the academy building places it at the centre of the community; making provision for new families to support and enhance social cohesion is central to the aims of the Academy.

The Trust has expressed the key intention of working with local community organisations and wider agencies to ensure the families moving into the Deneia development will be effectively supported. The Trust is engaged with these processes already through the ‘Locality’ organisation which has held an inaugural meeting to start to develop these links.

The Academy will reflect and encourage a commitment to continuous improvement that will create positive and optimistic ‘can do’ attitudes among pupils and staff. The Academy will systematically benchmark its practices against the very best in other schools to energise organisation, fuel ambition and stimulate improvement.

We value people:

We will be uncompromising in our commitment to know and value every pupil and support them to achieve in the widest sense. This commitment underpins all aspects of all we will do.

Our Values

We are ambitious for ourselves and all those in our community to be the best we can be.

We underpin our relationships with a culture of support, respect, and trust, recognising we are stronger together.

We enable our academies, staff, and learners to embrace new ideas and think creatively.

We believe in equality of opportunity, celebrating everyone’s differences and supporting learners of all abilities from all backgrounds.

Icons representing Anglian Learning's values of aspiration, community, empowerment, and inclusivity


We will provide a high-quality learning environment:

We know how important it is to create the right environment for our pupils to learn. We are committed to maintaining the state of the art, purpose-built environment which is the Deneia Primary Academy. The classroom environment will provide students with stimulating and varied learning opportunities that engage and motivate them. Outside the classroom, pupils will feel safe, happy, and secure as they create and learn from the natural environment. Pupils will be inspired and supported to develop independence in their learning in all environments and learning scenarios.

We will extend the boundaries of learning:

We will explore the role of the academy as a source of pride for families and as a hub for the community. This outward focus will provide new and exciting opportunities to extend experience, skills, and confidence, reflected in unique local and national partnerships. For staff and the Academy as a whole, we will explore ways to share our knowledge, expertise and facilities with other academies, schools, and groups within our community.

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